Where Character and Creativity Grow
Garden of Angels School inspires the natural, free form, authentic, discovery of each student’s unique spirit

Pre-School and TK – Grade 5
Garden of Angels School inspires the natural, free form, authentic, discovery of each student’s unique spirit from preschool through fifth grade. Our Garden Vision is re-defining education. We are not newcomers to the alternative scene. We are pioneers and architects, shaping and crafting our own successful foundation and working model, on behalf of “Wholistic” education. For over 23 years, we have put into practice our genuine desire to radically transform education. We steward a learning environment of freedom and delight. Our educators empower students to organically step into the fullness of their true identity and destiny. We do not mold our students’ minds into predictable shapes by a standard curriculum. We perceive each growing child as a precious cluster of unique treasure. The possibilities that exist in that treasure unfold as each child moves through distinct phases of development. At each stage, children need the right kind of environment and support to securely move to the next. We are that right kind of environment and support. Garden of Angels will find and honor the treasure in every child.

Our students are awakened
Our students are awakened to the illustrious landscape of learning and the divine sanction of possibility, where they are given the enterprising appetite to embrace all of their hopes, dreams and visions; a sanctuary that grows their imagination and incites their curiosity, uncovering who they are designed to be. Garden has a powerful, natural way of drawing out the individual potential and high academic performance in each student. We recognize that every student learns differently. Our academic environments are designed to reach beyond mind-numbing standards, to ignite each child’s learning spirit.
Our balance of emotional and
intellectual IQ
Here in our Garden, we focus on the important balance between emotional IQ and intellectual IQ. This focus gives our students the advantage to experience, explore and practice various ways to research topics and find conclusions. Finding solutions with such expanse strengthens cognitive, creative, social and emotional muscles. Our Vision facilitates a personal, compelling, face-to-face encounter with learning. Our unique Vision effortlessly promotes our student’s individual gifts and talents and fosters a culture of freedom. This freedom gives children a genuine space to breathe and abandon their fears. When children are able to learn without fear, they can manifest and demonstrate their highest self confidently.
We believe that every student has a special calling
We believe that every student has a special calling placed on their life. Our Garden Ideology aspires to accurately mirror an environment where students are limited by nothing and liberated by everything. As we wander down this Garden path, the only certainty is that we will be given opportunities to shift, stretch, reach and grow. Life is a gift; a gift that we continually harvest in the form of potential relationships, experiences and adventures.

We are all given a free will
We are all given a free will; each and every one of us gets to choose what type of a garden we will plant and what we will gather. The seeds we sow determine how rich the bounty. Garden of Angels School cultivates the fertile ground of a vibrant, healthy community that nurtures the unique and sacred spirit of each of our beloved students.
A well-balanced child
We believe a well-balanced child receives equal support from home and school. We ask our Parents to use a teaching style and discipline consistent and similar to that of Garden of Angels School. We will be in positive communication with Parents on a regular basis and we will give plenty of opportunities for Parents to engage our approach through parent re- education classes and our day-to-day encounters with one another. As we work closely together to develop the best possible strategies for each student, the benefits and progress become paramount.
Garden students will leave our school with the courage to live powerfully and make a difference in the world.